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게시판 내용
제목 Prowin Mask Aligner P-150
작성자 관리자 등록일 2016-10-03
첨부파일   0928_Prowin_P-150.pdf(565,464KB, Download : 2792)
조회 3121

Photolithography is an optical technique for transferring patterns from a glass photo masks onto semiconductor or glass substrates. P-150 is designed for 6 wafers. It has three contacts modes, hard contact, soft contact, and vacuum contact. The aligner has an UVsource with 350watt. The optical power gives 25 mW/cm2 at 365 nm. It can be used in commercial semiconductor manufacturing or universityooxWord://word/1041.jpg laboratory settings,Text Box: Mask Aligner wafer fabrication facilities, and MEMS.

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